Theatre Portfolio

Guys and dolls @ Sierra college - Associate Lighting Designer
(2024) Directed by Scott Adams, Lighting Design by Michelle Zimmer
Created lighting looks, pallettes, presets, magic sheets, and Lightwright paperwork. Installed practicals on set pieces using external dimmer pack and wireless DMX. Managed spot operators, created spot sheet, and hung & focused lights

The Pops Chorale @ Sierra College - Lighting Designer
Holiday Show '24, Big Band '24, American Pops '24, Big Band '23
Created lighting looks based on music, used busking techniques, created EOS effects, and managed spot operators

Mean Girls @ Rocklin Community Theater - Lighting Designer
(2024) Directed by Cassie March, Co-Lighting Designer Robbie Wanamaker
Created lighting looks, cues, palletes, and presets. Focused & hung lights, and utilized EOS OSC integration to operate projections.

Miss Sacramento County - Lighting Designer
(2023, 2024)
Created lighting looks & effects synced with music, utilized venue equipment to program and run show
Assistant To Desginer

Romeo & Juliet @ The Sacramento Ballet - Assistant Lighting Designer
(2025) Assistant to Lighting Designer Benjamin Gantose
Created spot sheets & other paper work, instructed spots, aided local crew in focusing, facilitated communications with other departments, and took notes for designer, stage manager, and choreographer.

Romeo & Juliet @ Sierra College - Assistant Lighting Designer
(2025) Assistant to Lighting Designer Benjamin Gantose
Instructed Stage Lighting class on hang & focus for this production, completed patching & addressing work, created palettes, presets & magic sheets, wired and installed torch practicals

The Pops Chorale @ Sierra College - Spot Operator
Created personal spot sheet, listen to calls from lighting operator & stage manager, lit dancers & musicians